Kazuma accidentally starts his new life in the Fantasy world, which is followed by his death in a traffic accident, with the goddess Aqua. Instead of having a dream adventure, Kazuma faces troubles all the time with his three strange teammates, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness. When continuing their journey, the party learn from Yunyun, a young girl from Crimson Demon Clan, that the Crimson Demon village is under attack. Thus, they follow Yunyun to go to the village. However, a big crisis is waiting for Kazuma and the team!?
Country / Region: | Japan |
Production Year: | 2019 |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitle: | Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified) |
Price: | Normal members:$28.00 |
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Kazuma accidentally starts his new life in the Fantasy world, which is followed by his death in a traffic accident, with the goddess Aqua. Instead of having a dream adventure, Kazuma faces troubles all the time with his three strange teammates, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness. When continuing their journey, the party learn from Yunyun, a young girl from Crimson Demon Clan, that the Crimson Demon village is under attack. Thus, they follow Yunyun to go to the village. However, a big crisis is waiting for Kazuma and the team!?