Scarred by the Second Impact, the Fourth Angel attacks Tokyo III and humanity's fate is left in Special Government Agency NERV's hands. Young Shinji Ikari is forced to pilot EVA-01. He and EVA-00 pilot Rei Ayanami are tasked to fight, but EVA-01 is damaged by the Sixth Angel. Misato Katsuragi draws up a plan to focus all of Japan's electricity into EVA-01's positron cannon to defeat the Angel./P>
Country / Region: | Japan |
Production Year: | 2007 |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitle: | Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English |
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Scarred by the Second Impact, the Fourth Angel attacks Tokyo III and humanity's fate is left in Special Government Agency NERV's hands. Young Shinji Ikari is forced to pilot EVA-01. He and EVA-00 pilot Rei Ayanami are tasked to fight, but EVA-01 is damaged by the Sixth Angel. Misato Katsuragi draws up a plan to focus all of Japan's electricity into EVA-01's positron cannon to defeat the Angel./P>